Sunday, 27 April 2008

A Life Choice

We walk carefully through life so that we may safely reach death

Eleanor Roosevelt

We have only one life and it will inevitably end. We can either exist or live. What is the difference between existence and living? Choice.

To choose life we must first know what it means to live. To live is to be real, be who we are meant to be, secure in the knowledge that we are going we are meant to go.

To live is to walk through life first with passion and then, perhaps with prudence.

Do it!

Feel the fear and do it anyway. What are you hesitant to change in your life today?
We should be living a life that is meaningful and fulfilled, yet we often stop short of doing so because we are afraid to make necessary changes. Work, family, leisure, business, relationships; there is always something we could adjust in these areas to make our lives and that of others around us better.

So what are you waiting for? Just do it!

Any excuses... I mean comments?

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Books I love: April 08

What the book promises:

Following this 13-step Life Business— Program, you'll discover how to identify and concentrate on your most essential goals; listen to and take seriously the concerns of those closest to you; and invest aggressively in activities that will help you achieve your central objectives.

You'll also learn how to develop strategies that will maximize your chances for success, set heartfelt goals, and envision and plan projects that will take your life in the direction you want it to go. You'll find helpful tips for building a plan-ahead budget that will ensure you the basic necessities while freeing up funds to finance your dreams. You will learn to think about money the way successful businesses do with potentially radical changes to your approach to savings, investment and retirement.

Why I love it:

Because it teaches you how to treat your life with the same consideration you would give a profit making venture. Why? Because you are worth it!