Saturday 10 November 2007

Change is good....or is it?

In my coaching business, it is all about change. When you are no longer pleased with your current state and you are sufficiently motivated to do something about it, you can make progress. But why are we so reluctant to change?

There are several reasons, one of the most prevalent being fear. Fear of making decisions, of having to do things differently, of confronting people or issues, fear of becoming who we are meant to be.

Change is only good when we understand that remaining in an unsatisfactory state will eventually produce long term negative effects on our well being. We can only stay unhappy, unfulfilled and dissatisfied for so long.

Then as we make much needed adjustments to our finances, relationships, health, careers or businesses, and lifestyles, the huge benefits become evident.

Change is great when you understand why!

Friday 2 November 2007

Who's life is it anyway?

I watched a TV programme last night. I didn't quite catch the start of it, perhaps that is why I could not understand it. The story was based around a young muslim lady who by a series of events decides to train as a suicide bomber.

Some of the reasons profferred for this decision was guilt caused by her friend taking her own life, a relationship with a non muslim which was not accepted by her family, and an encounter with militants who convinced her that the only way to 'make a difference' was to kill as many people as possible.

No doubt the producers are hoping this programme will invite debate, but the question that it raises for me is this. Who decides when their and other people's lives become expendable? All war and terrorism (not war on terrorism!) occurs from individuals and groups making choices about others' mortalities.

I actually watched the film becuase I had seen some literary critics discuss its attributes. I came away from it not at all convinced with the actress. She seemed to walk through the entire film not sure why she was there, and taking the action that she was. Undoubtedly she was uncomfortable with making a choice that was not hers.

While I would agree that opening up for debate is good, I personally prefer to see some conviction one way or the other! At least the debate can be lively and hopefully help us come to some degree of better understanding of how important life truly is.