Monday, 8 October 2007

It takes courage

I am totally in awe of wise people; philosophers, sages, poets and the like. They have this amazing gift of summing up human thought and endeavour in succint yet powerful terms. I came across this recently, and until I can quote it properly and give credit to the author, I will paraphrase. It talks about the concept of freedom and says something to this effect.
The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage.

As I do when I come across a statement so significant, I evangelise. All my friends and family are made aware of my find as I rant and rave about how great and ultimately life changing it is! Perhaps you too, my new friends should ponder that weighty statement.

It takes courage to be truly free.

It takes courage to become who we were destined to become.

Wow. I want to be brave. How about you?

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